Bark Mulch
In most of the garden beds around the fraser valley, homeowners and commercial property managers have identified bark mulch as the plant bed dressing of choice. LawnPro Landscapes Ltd provide a timely service for topping up or replacing your old bark mulch with new. The service includes cleaning out any debris or garbage from the garden areas, then delivering your “mulch of choice” to the site and evenly spread it throughout the beds. Typically 2″ inches deep. After everything is installed and looking great, we blow off any sidewalks and driveways of fallen mulch.
Benefits of Bark Mulch
- Looks great! A beautiful color contrast with plants
- Weed suppression
- Retains moisture for plants during warm weather
- Acts as an insulator that keeps the soil cool under intense sunlight and warm during cold weather
- Conserves water and reduces evaportation of water from soil
- Reduces soil erosion caused from wind and water
- Prevents crusting of the soil surface, thus improving absorbtion and percolation of water into the soil
There are a few different varieites of bark mulch that you can choose from.
- reddish-brown
- decorative
- helps to suppress weeds
- screened to a 1″ minus size
- contrats well with plants and looks natural in landscaping
- can be used in all types of shrubs and planting beds
- made locally from BC bark
- red or black
- decorative
- best option for weed suppression
- screened to a 1″ minus size
- rich, vibrant, decorative contrast with plants
- colourants are free of harmful toxins and safe for plants and animals
- other colors avilable for large orders
- made locally from BC wood
- dark brown-black mulch
- adds organic matter that enriches garden soil beds
- finely screened to a 3/8″ minus size
- enhances garden-soil bed appearance
- dark, rich, natural appearance in landscaped beds
- can be used in all types of shrub and garden beds
- consumes less nitrogen than non-composted bark